Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Homemade Colon Cleanser Therapies

Colon cleansing is very important to keep the alimentary canal in good health. This is because colon cleansing helps removing unwanted and harmful toxic substances that are present in the bowels. But then, colon cleansing can be performed in many ways, natural homemade colon cleanser being the preferred one.

Here are few of the homemade colon cleanser therapies that one can easily go for since they are simple to adopt :

- About ½ glass of pineapple juice can be taken after each meal. This is very beneficial in cleansing the colon, especially in case of indigestion.

- Take a lemon juice (about two tbsp), one tsp of ginger juice and two tsp of honey. Mix them well and add some lukewarm water (about 200 ml) and have it at once. This is very effective homemade colon cleanser.

- Grapes are considered to be carrying natural colon cleansing properties. It is therefore advisable to be on 'grape diet' for couple of days in order to cleanse the intestines.

- Oranges are effective agents that can cleanse the colon in a natural way. It rejuvenates the gastrointestinal tract and brings back its efficacy.

- One can mix a tbsp of lemon juice in a cup of lukewarm water with a pinch of black pepper and asafetida works wonderfully as a homemade colon cleanser.

- Application of the icepacks onto the abdomen and stomach for about ½ hour daily gives relief from indigestion, abdominal cramps and other alimentary associated problems since it is very good homemade colon cleanser.

- Aniseeds are good colon cleansers. Eat about ½ tsp of aniseeds regularly to improve digestion and assimilation.

- Homemade herbal tea containing cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, black pepper and the herb Emblica ribes is very effective treating various digestive problems including indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps and even worms.

- A psyllium husk is a sure-shot for cleansing the colon. As a homemade colon cleanser, this has been used to treat hard stools.

- Cumin seeds are great cleansers. Consume about 1-2 tsp cumin seeds grinded and added with a pinch of asafetida, rock salt and some drops of lemon juice.

- Mix equal parts of baking soda and plain water. Take it at once and it works as homemade colon cleanser.

- Take 1-3 gm of the pulp of the Belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica, an Ayurvedic herb) fruit in case of complaints of indigestion. This is very effective and safe homemade remedies for colon cleansing.

- Coriander juice (about 1-2 tsp), fresh buttermilk (about 80 ml) and a pinch of cumin seeds' powder work as safe and effective homemade colon cleansing agent.

- Make powders of cardamom seeds and then mix them with dried ginger powder, clove powder and coriander leaves juice. Mix them well and then consume it at once. They all possess natural colon cleansing properties.

- Simply chewing a small piece of fresh ginger (after removing bark) with rock salt, lemon juice 15 minutes before taking lunch improves overall digestion and helps cleansing the bowels.

Why Would You Ever Do a Detox Cleanse?

Why Your Body Needs a Detoxification

Gasoline smells and fumes, road construction smoke that enters your car when your windows are down, second-hand cigarette smoke that comes from a smoking stranger nearby, paint thinner fumes, highlighters, unknown substances that burn while cooking, fast food hamburgers and cheeseburgers, as well as many other foods and random fumes that we are exposed to make a certain impact on our bodies. All of these impacts are usually negative. On the flip side, though, there are several ways in which one can overcome these negative affects. One sure-fire way to rid yourself and your body of all the unknown substances that enter your lungs and your body is a total body detoxification. If you have never heard what that is before then you may just be in for a surprise. But it turns out, though, that a true body detoxification will really help your whole health in the end and it is a practice that everyone should engage in.

Creating a Healthier Body

As mentioned, there are plenty of unknown fumes and ingredients that we come in contact with on a daily basis that literally destroys our bodies. Whether we know it or not, we are all victims and offenders of destroying our bodies. For example, the amount of fat in a typical fast food hamburger is enough to feed somebody for a week, however, it is all used up in one simple meal that won't even sustain us for the rest of the evening. As this situation illustrates, there are plenty of ways in which we make poor decisions in our life. Because of this, though, is why everyone needs to experience a total body detoxification.

Positive Effects of a Detox

Creating a healthier body, though, is not just the only reason that we should be engaging in total body cleansing. One positive effect that a detoxification can have on the body is to improve our body odor. Many people don't realize that body odor can become a major problem and that detoxification is able to overcome it. Another positive effect that detoxification can have is that it can clear our minds. Once our physical bodies become detoxified then our mind becomes clear and we can think and engage in mental activity better than we could before. All of these things will help us do whatever work we need to engage in throughout the week.

Another major effect of a detoxification process is that our organs will also be cleaner. Not many people think about the fact that our colon, kidneys, liver, as well as many of the other organs that we have all do rigorous work day in and day out. This is something that we take for granted, however, detoxification can change everything and make all of our organs cleaner in order to function properly.

As you can see, detoxification is truly important in the lives of everyone. Even though not everyone has been used to the detoxification process, it is literally our responsibility to keep our bodies clean. Following a cleansing process will definitely help use through every facet of our lives!

You know that detoxing is important but where do you turn next? The most popular detox diet is the Master Cleanse. This detox diet is very difficult to get though but all the celebrities seem to have great success with it, so by looking at the Master Cleanse Support you will have a much greater chance at succeeding is cleaning and losing weight successfully

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Nadraszky

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Detox Foot Bath

A detox foot bath is an easy way to gently remove harmful toxins from your body. Using it on a regular basis will cleanse your body and bring balance back to your natural state of wellness. Drawing pollution, metals and toxins out through your feet may improve your health and allow your body to heal.

Your body has stored years of toxins and pollutions because it is not able to release those toxins. Using a detox foot bath will draw these harmful substances out through the pores that are located on the soles of your feet. There are more glands in your feet per inch than anywhere else on your body, so the feet are an ideal place to focus your detox. This detox process is a safe and easy process- you need to soak your feet in the bath for about 30 minutes, and then you are done! All you have to do is sit back and relax while the detox foot bath does the work for you!

As you follow this detox program your cells are energized by the ions that are produced in the water. These ions allow your body to release substances such as heavy metals, fats, parasites, acid, nicotine, waste, and toxins that have accumulated during your lifetime. Continuing to use a detox foot bath on a regular basis will stop these toxins from accumulating in your body again, which will in turn help you feel energized every day.

It is important to use a detox foot bath on a regular basis to assist your body in the cleansing process. Your body is constantly cleansing through natural processes such as sweat, liver functioning, bowel movements, kidneys, breathing, and other bodily fluids that are released. But, our modern world is so toxic that our bodies are unable to keep up with the current demands. These toxins accumulate faster than our natural bodies can eliminate them.

You will gain many positive benefits from using a detox foot bath. Because your body is able to rid itself of the harmful waste and toxins, your body is able to naturally heal and provide the necessary nutrients to your vital organs. You may feel a decrease in chronic pain that has been plaguing you for years. Many people also report an increase in energy and focus because they are no longer bogged down by the waste.

If you are looking to improve your health and cleanse your body, the detox foot bath is one of the easiest and most effective options that are available. It will help you to quickly restore your body to the natural state of wellness and give you the energy that you need. You will experience a sense of wellness, balance and health as you follow a regular detox program.

About the Author:
Sydnie Andrus has all the information you need about detox foot baths Visit her website and find out how this detox program can improve your health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sydnie_Andrus