Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why Detox?

We eat different kinds of food everyday containing a variety of minerals we do not even really know. Our body, like Nature, requires proper nurture for its functions to be maintained if not improved.

When our body comes into contact with unrecognised substances from overeating of junk food or simply breathing in the contaminated air; our natural detox system will then be choked and be unable to neutralize or detoxify in time. This will then lead to unwanted health complications.

Our natural detox system comprising the liver and digestive tract produces toxins of their own to flush, filter and in laymen's terms-'keep us healthy.'

Detox is usually perceives as a rehabilitation system to get rid of drug or alcohol addiction, but today it means to cleanse by adhering to a specific diet through organic food, vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. Its functions also include cleansing the colon, easing bowel movement, enhancing blood circulation and primarily protecting the liver.

Resources taken from Guardian - The one you trust

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