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Here you will find a useful tips about Detoxifying system in order to maintain healthy life.  For the time being  info will be taken from Guardian Pharmacy pamphlet to give awareness to all readers.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Benefits of Essential Oils


benefits of essential oils detox diet body ever cleanse foot bath pads dre orovo how to your body at home ion spa evercleanse recepiesLemon is said to cure sea, land and air transport sickness where the body is confused with sight and sound. The lemon essential oil however, is uplifting and cleansing. It replaces negative emotions by creating a cheerful atmosphere of freshness and purity.

Dead Sea Salt

While dipping yourself into the sea, you will feel a pinching sensation if you have minor cuts. You will also realise that wounds will recover hastily compared to healing by itself. Unlike regular sea salt, dead sea salt contains a variety of minerals that cure eczema. It also smoothens your skin and provides an anti-ageing effect.

Juniper Berry

Almost everybody especially females have cellulite. It usually happens after puberty where estrogen is the main aggravating factor, not due to being overweight which most people think. Juniper Berry is a powerful, detoxifying oil that helps avert nervous tension and reduce cellulite. The oil can irritate some people's skin, and should be avoided during pregnancy.


Lavender oil is usually used as a perfume, but as an aromatherapy, it can relieve pain from headache. It can also be used as a mosquito repellent and a peripheral to meditation because it balances mind and body. When used as a chest ruub, it can relieve asthma and bronchitis.

A Sedative Detoxifying Bath Recipe

2 cups dead sea salt
10 drops lavender oil for sleep or relaxation
10 drops of eucalyptus oil for a stuffy head
10 drops of lemon oil to awaken your spirit

Mix your choice of oils and salt in a hot tub for about 20 minutes and soak yourself until you feel wonderful.

Resources taken from Guardian - The one you trust

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